Monday, November 23, 2015

Grateful for Thanksgiving

Every day I try to celebrate with Thanksgiving.   It is always a wonderful time to count my blessings. Appreciation constantly gives me the gift to cherish I am alive.  Generosity and kindness are the virtuous acts that I get from my appreciation.  Such gratitude may open new doors of possibility for me.  Also I tap a higher relationship with all things.

The idea of Thanksgiving gives me a sense of peace and grace. I live in a critical time where generosity greatly matters. By giving, I both awaken and liberate myself with the ulitimate gift of altruisim. When I hold on to things too long this causes me a painful disconnection. By becoming more mindful of how I take things, I can better return things and thus benefit from what I call, "Happy Returns." This outcome arises from being humble and observing my ultimate interconnection with my beloved world.

It's incredible that 67 million years ago trees, flowers, birds, bees and other things came into being.  Just 6 million years ago the first American migrated here. When whites came here at Jamestown, Virginia, Arthur Barlow remarked of the Poona's: "A more kind and loving people cannot be found in the world."

My ancestry dates back to the first born off the Mayflower. And this is doubtless why I believe thanksgiving is every day. We all ought to constantly count our blessings. The Iroquois celebrate their appreciation of this earth for days at a time, showing gratitude for all aspects of nature. Today we can share these wise earth teachings if we pay our respects to what we are so fortunate to have.

Each one of us can widen our collective circle of connection and love.  Now we have an opportunity to magnify our thanks by showing our boundless possibilities of compassion. If only we make this intention and take the time to show our gratitude then an upward spiral happens.

Let's celebrate our Thanksgiving with plentiful kind and generous acts. Giving appreciation is the greatest blessing we can give ourselves, thanking our surroundings and feeling good about our life.

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