Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Challenge

The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our disposition not our circumstances.  Martha Washington

Life is filled with bountiful challenges.  How we address or relate to this adventure provides me with a question of what my attitude is at each bend and turn.
As a visitor here, I can be a receiver, giver or some other role. What goes around may also come around depending upon what seeds of the future I plant.
The magic of my exploration is about what is my intention is.  I create my reality in many ways depending on my mindset.  If I am in a positive frame of mind things tend to be better than when I am negative.  It is not that I have to wear rose colored glasses rather I approach things as opportunities not difficulties.

First- Find a common language. Words can either connect or disconnect people to the same concept.   Many words can be easily misunderstood. What is said and how it is spoken is paramount since communication is essential to quality relationships.

Second- Concentrate on being well.  Paying attention to the wealth associate in wholesome mental states is the best cheapest investment I can make to cultivate future prosperity.  My health is my greatest asset.

Third-  ART or a form of self expression that incorporates- Appreciation, Resolve and Transform.  
-Appreciation is the source is true wealth and happiness.
-Resolve activates me to share my creativity.
-Transform is what happens in the artistic process.

Fourth- Listening allows me to access better my intuition.  Hearing from a place of being still and open gives me clarity and insight.

Fifth- Observe Cause and Effect Relationships.  By seeing the nature of how things work and what happens when I do one thing and what results I benefit. 

Six- Celebrate our greater unification and the big picture.  Life's greatest challenge is to remember we are not separate but connected to all things.  My greatest moments in my life are spent when a feel the whole not the sum of the parts.  I celebrate this sense of harmony and oneness with countless loving acts. 

My life is becomes richer when I a relate to its challenge to find how I can benefit instead of the opposite. Coming from an attitude filled with gratitude I see the blessings in any curses that arise.
Life is not matter of holding good cards, but playing  a poor hand well.  RL Stevenson

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