talks one of our greatest needs, the human inner-connection. How we long to better belong and empathize is
the source of our very loving nature.
Ms. Brown’s entertaining talk shares both her social and personal
research, regarding her insights of compassion and other diverse human
emotions. By exploring vulnerability,
she taps into the great mystery of exploring human emotional intelligence.
Ms. Brown’s shares a wisdom that resonates with my own personal
experiences of shame, breakdowns and shortcomings. When I get lost in my old stories, and inner
drama I feel lonely and isolated. However, my quest to cultivate greater
self-love and truth also reveals my passion for greater connection. Simply my shadows and faults are basically
the same as everyone else. It is tough
for me to lessen my left (inner critical) brain from not get so identified by
this profound insight. However my brain
becomes right if I make it right by shifting to a from my overly critical left brain.
Today I just did a two day retreat at my home enjoying the full
moon, three circling hawks and the beautiful cliff and rocks of my national
forest backyard. Being in this setting
allowed me to fully celebrate my right brain by listening to the wonder of
silence I was able to trust creative possibility. I aligned myself to a vision of pure
light of still water; everything became transformed; and all is connected,
loved and alright.
My courage or “whole hearted” action comes from this genuine need
to see what is true and of value. Humus
heart or, is how I rejoice to new peace and unity when I drop the h from
“heart” and place at the end to spell “earth.”
First, I am filled with thanks for what I have and to deeply
listen and follow what my heart advises.
Second, through my experience I trust in my intuition and wisdom to
widened my “inter”, “inner” and “outer” connections. Finally, I humbly celebrate my triumphs and
lessen my disasters since this leads me to being of greater service.
Shifting from cynical to optimal, I observe from my interactions
with people, places and things. Also
this is act of remembering is the most important thing- I am loved. Then,
kindness prevails from meanness, acceptance overcomes resistance and that
concentration succeeds rather than distraction.
Life is very complicated with no quick fixes, or secret formulas. My
greater awakening comes from my observing the cause and effects of my actions,
others and nature.
My refuge comes when I make my dreams happen and it’s my
choice. Since change, adversity and flux
is a given, my humor allows me to better deal with the moment to moment
mysterious experiences. When I can
remember to be more unconditional and let go then I become free to enjoy my
mistakes and my humanness. Once I
liberated myself from my rationalizations I can venture into the larger truths
of my circumstances.
This is the shift from left to right brain by seeking wisdom and
become ardent to this insight. Again it comes down my memory to recall what has
whole hearted meaning. Such remembrance
is that I am loved; here now; all is well; and yes all things are related. This lessens my primal fears and when I and
thus allows me to minimize the effect of my darkest emotions.
Finally, when my individual self dissolves then my deep love
expands and I experience something beyond words. Only poets can best describe this oneness,
and unity allowing me infinite new possibilities of my whole heart-ness. We are loved: connected; and all is alright since
the heart is whole.
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