Sunday, March 31, 2013

April Fool’s Wisdom

The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.  M. Twain
April 1st is my favorite day of the year.  Laughter recharges me with greater light and joy. Jesting transforms me from being so dense. Out of my life experiences my serious grey clouds become dissolved with new comic silver linings.  Making brilliant insights from either my disasters or successes teaches me that a fool can also be wise.  Comedy may transmute the negative into new optimistic mirth awakening people with laughter and folly.

Acting as a court jester gives me the courage to have fun so to better address my deepest phobias.  There is a magic of not taking oneself so seriously.  Comedy helps me transform my curses into blessings giving new meaning to whatever comes my way.  Humor lessens my tensions of opposing truths to best synthesize amazing new possibilities giving me greater freedoms and realizations. 
All over the world April Fool’s Day entertains people with laughter, wisdom and new perspectives. Every day let’s celebrate foolish wisdom.

Below are some brilliant humorous insights:

·         Prepare for mirth, for mirth becomes a feast- W. Shakespeare
·         The only fool bigger than a know-it-all is the person who argues with him.  Anon
·         It is ill-manners to a silence a fool, and cruelty to let him go on- B. Franklin
·         We don’t laugh because we’re happy- we’re happy because we laugh- W. James
·         Humor plays close to the hot fire, which is the truth, and the reader feels the heat.  E.B. White
·         Humor is not a trick, not jokes. Humor is presence in the world- like grace-and shines on everybody. G. Keillor
·         When a thing is funny, search it for a hidden truth.  GB Shaw
·         Comedy is a distraction, not an action.  Humor takes your mind off the negative and turns it into laughter that’s positive. B. Hackett
·         It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and leave no doubt.  M. Twain
·         Comedy is allied to justice. Aristophanes
·         Frame your mind to mirth and merriment, which bar a thousand harms and lengthen life. W. Shakespeare
·         Life is too important to be taken too seriously.  O. Wilde
A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.  W. Blake
·         To be playful and serious at the same time is possible, and it defines the ideal mental condition. J. Dewey
·         If I had no sense of humor, I should long ago committed suicide. M. Gandhi
·         In the end everything is a gag. C. Chaplin
·         Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed.  M. Twain

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