Monday, March 16, 2015

Recycled Star-dust

I use the endearing term star-shine or star-dust since this is our primal essence. Our planet almost 5 billion years old were life appeared almost 4 billion years and the first hominid creatures showed up a billion years ago.

We are composed of roughly one-fifth carbon and calcium atoms coming from ancient recycled stars billions of years ago.  These rays were cycled when they collapsed as white dwarfs and exploded as supernovas forming star-dust.  Born in a universe 14 billion years old, 93 billion light years wide with over 300 billion other stars.

It's written in Genesis 3:19,"for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return." We all come from and to the earth as cosmic particles.  Given time we then return once more, apart of the star-dust cycle.

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