Saturday, December 20, 2014

Heart Flow

When I fully open my heart I enter a flow state.  Entering this state of awe I become fully absorbed with all aspects of my moment to moment experience. Entering this flow I find less resistance, and greater rhythm with all aspects of my life.

Greater inner and outer connections happen.   For example I mention to a friend about my sacred relationship with hawks and then I immediately hear a hawk cry outside.  This form of serendipity results when I become more intuitive or right brained.

In this flow, I become more self-actualized, unified and aware.  Entering a more compassionate and trusting state I open to greater possibilities.  Fear based emotions such as doubt, despair, and controlling lessens my flow. Flow is about a zone of effortlessness, and ease.  I experience increased unity and harmonious connection with everything.

It is if I am kayaking on the Shenandoah River and I become the water, absorbed, alert and fully conscious.  The awe of flow brings a form of tranquility, and oneness. No longer is there just the sum of the parts, however, a more vibrant whole.

At times I enter a sense of timeless concentration in this flow state. I even can find stillness in this state of actualized movement.  I become fully immersed in whatever I am doing, however, maintaining a heighten awareness of my surroundings.

There is divine energy or chi when I flow.  This momentous state comes a form of inspiration not desperation.  A more loving  and kind psychic force happens.  An  alignment with the TAO or natural way happens because of flow. Acting in this  Zen place I am unified with a natural pulse. Instead of being with the breath I am the lightness of breath. Great leaders, artistic or athletes exhibit this charismatic zone.  Fully concentrated and motivated work and play become one. 

There are virtuous indicators of flow since I become more open, trusting, fearless, compassionate, sincere and present. Flow Mihaly Csikszenthalyi describes as, "an optimal experience, a state of concentration so focused that is results in absolute absorption in an activity."

When I tap this flow of my heart I touch a higher consciousness and apperception.  I have  unconditionally arrived in this heart filled place.  Flow gives me grace and appreciation of this illuminated way of well-being.

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