Friday, December 20, 2013

A Virtuous Legacy

I am really inspired by the wonderful legacy that previous generations worked so hard to leave for us. In the spirit of making this world a better place, I want to continue this virtue by passing on to the future the gifts that have blessed me.
With the New Year coming, I am filled with amazing gratitude for things so simple yet fantastic, for example, the 3 billion beats of our heart that an average life celebrates. The message I want to gift to the next generations is a sense of wonder, awe and possibility. Once I was preparing to get a financial license to be of greater service. Then I had a revelation that it was Life Assurance, not life insurance, that I wanted to sell! I aspire to foster optimism and new ingenuity for the prospect of making the best of whatever life offers in the future. I want to show how peace and harmony always bring a sense of coming home.
Each letter of the word HOME helps me remember some of life's blessings that I want pass on.
Humility for knowing that I truly do not know. In my  quest for finding answers to life's mystery, I simply gather more and more questions.
Openness to the possibility of seeing something in a truly new way; beyond what I always thought, and new to the core of my heart.
Magic shows up everywhere when I pay attention with deep appreciation to the ordinary. And the simple intention to be of benefit or service allows magic to happen
Enthusiasm for all things.  Find the water in the desert. Find what is juicy beneath the dry and worn out.  This is where I enrich my well-being and expand to new frontier of awareness. Cherish all things and show reverence of even the difficult dark stuff. Being gentle with myself is my quest and lifelong challenge

After I leave this world to join the ancestors, may my legacy be the flight of a hawk, not a bulldozer building a parking lot. May I show thanks for the divine guidance that has come from my ancestors: to bestow kind and selfless acts. May this compassion and empathy expand and ripple outward just as a stone does when it is thrown in a still pond, spreading joy and well-being.
The key legacy is that I live in greater harmony, to focus on greater service. Have I been humble and generous?  Have I been open to new adventure and experience?  Have I shared my magic with all things?  And finally how has my enthusiasm created new ripples to inspire and benefit others? This quest best leads me home:  where my heart gently beats to celebrate my sacred time on this earth.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.  They must be felt with the heart.  - Helen Keller

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