Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I Ching: An Amazing Guide

The I Ching is invaluable tool to help me with observations to key questions and life situations.

My Inferior mind becomes active when my ego is consumed with doubts and fears misdirecting me.  This reactive mind-set keeps my true self imprisoned from universal truths and living in a more wholesome way. When I can emulate the virtues advocated in the I Ching then I can respond naturally and innocently improving my well being.  

My superior being is direct connection with my “inner truth” increasing my faith, willingness and dedication. The superior aspects of my being engage in kindness, devotion, openness, detachment, innocence, patience and modesty. Being modest helps me shift into a higher frequency of being. This activates greater me with self-willingness to better meet my daily challenges.   Also I find greater acceptance allowing me to celebrate what is and not become consumed with what is wrong.

I learn to resist less and be more patient turning matters over to the Cosmos for correction. Waiting as if thrown into the water and swimming instead of drowning.  Showing openness in I can lessen my drama so to see where my path will lead.  This gives me the opportunity to respond in a creative, spontaneous and spiritual way.  While the opposite is an egocentric, demanding attitude that shuts down and insists on being on center stage.

Kindness springs from inner necessity, an original innocence to prevent harm.  By not trying always to justifying my limited view, I can become liberated by seeing the entire perspective of all things are interconnects. The key for me is to exercise an unstructured mind and protect my dignity as a sacred trust with a divine sense of conscientiousness.  

Modesty is essential for me to find the higher ground beyond “me, my and mine”, respecting the unknown and recognize my insufficiency of power.   Allowing myself to listen and to flow with events instead of resist them, I activate an inner attentiveness.

Patience, restraint and yield with discipline and firmness to guard against my fear based pitfalls such as self-pity, doubt, fear, carelessness and indolence.  Modesty is helps stimulate the will power to commit to a clear path.  Grounded, detachment and an amazing ability to humbly disperse bad moods overcoming doubt I can better relate to what is happening.   Vigilance is all about recognizing the goal is not to get to a “place on the path” yet finding a daily connection to  my inner truth.  The I Ching lightens my egocentric dark programming to best find how every experience can teach me greater well being.

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