In any given moment we can exercise a choice if we remember to do so. Awakening or being mindful of at any time of this decision point is the determiner. Otherwise we may react or default to our usual habit or pattern of what we do. If we can become aware of our past conditioning then we may become free of mindless behavior or acts. Freedom comes only when we are present to this choice point and see we can be either mindful or mindless.
As we contemplate our past experiences, such as how we were brought up or what we have been exposed to then we can see how we do things. For example, if every night we brush our teeth we can see that without thinking we perform this ritual before we go to sleep. We have both conditioned wholesome and unwholesome behaviors. Whether we rush as we eat or whether we wash behind our ears, our life is filed with many habits that can be helpful or hurtful.
Addictions are extreme forms of unskillful behaviors that do not serve us. We may use food, sex, drugs or many other things for entertainment or escape thus imprisoning us by these desires. If we are motivated and honest about changing our addictive habits there are many avenues to help us lessen and stop these addictions. Such behavior change may not happen until some event or emergency forces us to see how this compulsion is not in our best interest. Even then our wants may override a greater need not to be trapped by addiction.
Liberation is possible only if we are motivated to change. If we invest time to reflect and observe our unwholesome daily patterns then we can become less untangled by the unskillful acts we routinely perform. For example some of us text on our cell phones as we drive. Such juggling of tasks lessens our focus and increases our chance for an accident.
We live in a very challenging and over stimulated environment. Constantly we may be bombarded by mindless media, and other distractions hampering on sound choices. Television is a wonderful example of where we can get into a deep mindless state of mind. Today we spend countless hours surrounded by electronic activity that has numbing affect.
As we practice and reinforce awakened decision making we can lessen much useless and stressful hindrances from our lives. Also we cultivate more fully showing up we reap the fruits of a richer life. Simply paying attention and having the intention of observing our actions liberate us to our greater potential. Such inquiry is invaluable to minimize suffering, complications and things that do not benefit us.
Exploring observing instead of judging is another skillful mental activity not to get so identified or lost by negative thoughts and reactions. When we point a finger at someone or something we also are pointing an accusing finger back at ourselves.
Mentally, we create our reality. If we can deconstruct our concepts then we can see better how we create our perceptions. Such profound investigation is the pathway to our liberation. Also we experience new possibilities and perspectives that were once not there. This inquiry allows us to deeper self-acceptance. Also with this understanding we lessen our identification or judgment what is happening finding wisdom. Freedom comes from this process. We are no longer so tied to our circumstances and have greater clarity to see “cause and effect” relationships. Also we acknowledge our mindlessness we can enjoy mindful discernment.
The only real change we can fully exercise in is within ourselves. Investigating new possibility allows us to reframe our perspective to see in a new light emerging in potential or prospects. Even in the worst situations the probability of new opportunity becomes greatest. Where we once felt stuck and had no other alternative new options emerge.
Since we create our perspective then we can shift from any place of despair, hopelessness and no choice into the freedom of new possibility. In all likelihood there are unlimited odds that something else may happen.
When we see what is true in the here and now we awaken our awareness to bountiful possibilities. Remembering, re-adjusting and reframing we may arrive at deciding what is of greatest benefit. We have the opportunity to lessen our stress by clear choice. Also we can better learn learn what habits we can change or not. If we can see what has greater heart and meaning we can unchain ourselves from our destructive habits. Liberation is only possible when discern what is mindful from the mindless that surrounds us. Freedom happens when we see new possibility and engage in wise and awakened choice.