Monday, December 31, 2012

Light Humor Elevates My Consciousness

As long as we have been conscious, humans have attempted to make sense and meaning of their life and world.   As humans we are both serious and humorous in our quest to answer such questions as:  what is our purpose here?

I challenge you to ponder these two questions in entirely two extreme modes of thinking. One with intense seriousness and the other more relaxed and with whimsy.  What are your findings? 

Most great thinkers have explore many "levels" of consciousness of being wise and foolish. For example the ancient and mystical Chinese teacher, Lao Tze, joked that no one could explain Taoism since it was unexplainable by its very nature.

Today our extraordinary serious problems require extraordinary states of humorous consciousness. With scientific advancement even our best neurologists are careful to make broad statements about the nature of consciousness. Since there is major religious dogma around such intelligent, divine and higher states of understanding reality much prudence in any definition of “higher consciousness” comes into play.   The basis of most religions are based in best knowing what is real whether Christian, Hindu, Moslem, Jewish, Buddhist or whatever denomination.  

For example Buddhist concepts of reality, describe where the upper reaches of the continuum are referred to variously as religious ecstasy, nirvana, or enlightenment ironically without uniquely gifted with a sense of "I" since no-self is key concept to get to this state.   Other religious definitions may include "lower forms of life" or less complex awareness of their environment having less effective means for organizing their experiences. Some people insist that "consciousness" begins with human beings, who have a more developed sense of "I." Just defining such higher awareness a debate can arise over the “self” versus the “not-self” definition of such elevated consciousness. 

Do “visionaries”, "saints,"  "prophets," or those similar; operate at a level advanced perspective? Do these people understand more because of the extra ordinary experience? The very definition of what wisdom maybe comes from also being a fool in our lifetime.  The ability to laugh at one self will shed light and such discerning may result in more open consciousness. Being more creative and imaginative certainly gives us greater options in viewing what is real. 

In addressing higher or elevated levels of consciousness we must also make sure not make judgment of less or lower states of consciousness. 

Nobility and true innocence emerge as we live out our comic natures in the face of greater forces of fate and destiny.  Avoiding the embarrassment of failure, ignorance, and foolishness only keeps us ignoble, humorless, and bound in our secularism, because deep humor arises out of our genuine piety, from bighearted acknowledgment that life cannot be circumscribed within the perimeters of our knowledge and intentions, no matter how enlightened and well intentioned these may be.   This humor is a sign of religious faith, not necessarily belief in any one story or leader but the faith that comes from the standing on the edge of your own existence, and in the face of absurdity, courageously, and humorously allowing life to happen[1]

In developing a higher level of consciousness being light comes into play versus being so dense. Humor can be a simple response, in how we see a given situation. How we re-frame it, misdirect, how this reality comes into play. Transforming normal thinking and re-creating it either as a parody or giving it an unexpected result may be enlightening. The enjoyment of "laugh" can be in connecting the meaning of both ends of the paradox.  

Humor can provide linking interrelationships by relating two things that are usually not in mind as related. People may even think that a higher level of consciousness" is itself funny because comedy itself balances things or is a lower level activity. 

I invite you to explore your own experience.  Notice when you play with children how they create fun?  What kids do with each other in more light heart context since this, show they become aware things. Pay attention how they create humor?  Observing in play whether children joke or use humor to benefit or harm is very insightful.  For example if a child laughs at or makes fun of another person beyond certain limits this may be unhelpful.  

Humor at someone else expense is not appropriate behavior. However when humor is skillfully applied it can provide key insights and stimulated increased consciousness and wisdom.  Laughter can be a vehicle for awakening and important discoveries or new creative ways of seeing life.  

Seeing the comedy within any of our experiences sparks new potential to awaken to greater realization of what is true.  Laughter has an amazing transformation from being so identified with inadequacy. Skillful humor for show me how to celebrate my greater connections with life. Making fun of my fears can liberate me from my imprisoning deepest phobias.  Wholesome laughter gives me a profound heartfelt experience. 

There is a magic of not seeing things so seriously and see a bigger picture.  We can re-frame that any curses also have blessings and meaningful qualities.  The choice we have in life is what lens we look upon it.  Different perspectives can free us from our delusional or victimized point of view.

Skillful humor allows me to celebrate my virtues and prevents self-punishment when I transform my inner critic into a comic. This flow is a synchronized mind/body practice like laugh yoga.  

Making fun of my fears can free me to become more fearlessness beyond my deepest phobias.  Both a soft and tender expansive quality emerges within me as I gently experience a profound heartfelt shift. This delightful state of compassion skillfully balances any sorrow with joy.  

It is liberating of not taking oneself so seriously and this dissolves ones ego.  Not ignoring what is ugly, bitter, blind, and sad we can re-frame that any curses also have blessings and meaningful qualities.  The choice we have in life is what lens we look upon it.  Different perspectives can free us from our delusional or victimized point of view

Seeing the comedy within any of my experiences helps me lightly touch new possibility truth and appreciation each instance of life’s awakening.   Joking helps liberates me from being so dense and uplifts me by the funny lessons life teaches me.  Laughter simply gets me out of my head and recharges my heart.  From seeing how I transform my fears I become braver to see what is true so to balance both disaster and success.  Laughter transmutes my negativity with the positive so  I may awaken to new possibility and  better deal with difficult circumstances.

[1] Thomas Moore, “The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Lives,” Harper and Collins pg.  183- 184

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