Thursday, December 13, 2012

December 13 New Moon Dance

The last new moon of December is an ancient and powerful symbol. It reminds us to clear out the old and create anew.

Astrologers point out that this time of the year brings us into a closer axis—a point of paradigm shift as we are both the center of the universe and a minuscule point of light amidst the infinite bowl of celestial lights. It is a time when the canvas is blank, and we are free to create any picture we desire. It is a time to join with others and discover more creative solutions to our seemingly endless problems. Change is indeed possible, if we are prepared for it.

More creative solutions to our problems are possible.  Change is possible only if we are ready for it. Seeds of our future will only manifest unless we plant new ideas and start acting upon them.  We may find greater understanding of our place and purpose after our death and rebirth experience in Scorpio.  

A new psychic beginning is awaiting us if we can write a different story that is not fear-based but create new realms of being a lover, artist, healer and teacher. Our dreams and nightmares shape our lives.  The more we can see these two imposters as blessing and curses then we may awaken.  Seeing both sides of the coin we find greater truth and resolution of harmonic dance we all are apart.   

Sculpting our beliefs to what has heart and meaning we free ourselves from our old tired story that can constantly replay.

Every moment is an opportunity to discover a new light within our life.  If we remember and  present to the mystery, we may awaken to fantastic possibilities. All we have to do is see things as born anew.  This Zen beginners’ mind begins new path for light, love and laughter. We have greater capacity to fully be real and realize.  Also we can decide to let go what is old and no longer useful. The key is being aware of the precise choice point that we can be free if we opt to release.

This Moon cycle is blessed with greater optimism if we may show greater empathy since all living and non-living things are sacred and fellow neighbors.  Also we simply get what we give out and sharing is paramount. Expand the twinkle in your eyes!

Generosity is the tenor of this time. Also manifesting from this spirit is the amazing happy returns the cosmos gives us back. As visitors here we have nothing to lose and everything to gain. This heart-filled fearlessness opens trillions of doors of new possibility. Let us celebrate with a new moon dance!


Linda said...

Thank you for this, Rob! Blessings, love and peace to you and to our beautiful world. <3

Unknown said...

Rob, your words are filled with inspiration. I wish you a year filled with happiness, health and love. Thank you.