Saturday, June 13, 2015

Our Greater Self

Since there humans we have experienced a conscience awareness of something greater then ourselves or oneness.  This sense of a greater source gives us a sense of peace and harmony wherever it may be; whether is found in nature or in a group of like minded people.  Exploring the divine from the heart is another way of describing this which mind state is hard to describe or explain to our very interrelatedness.

A unifying truth may come from stillness or silence. Redirecting our thinking to just being allowed to open to a greater connection is something all religions share.  All great wisdom speaks of this cosmic linkage in that is like a spider web.

This greater sense of the unifying universe creates an inner transformation outside the carbon based self.   For example looking up at the night sky full of stars gives this sense of oneness and how light touches us all.  

This being fully apart and not separate beyond concepts such as birth and death, we are all things, the sum not the individual parts.  A calm, peace or eternal mystery where wholeness and unity is experienced, where communion of ultimate transcendence.  This outside the physical, yet awakening in a non-conceptual, expansive and luminous place.  There is no ego and emergence outside the me, I and my just oneness.

This inner state of awareness can happen for a second to a the extreme of timelessness. Such vast space and awareness is a mystical presence to listen in profound silence.  Some poet’s have begin to describe this difficult to describe experience.

Fantastic natural events can bring this experience of oneness.  A beautiful sunset or snowfall, standing near a waterfall, looking out on top of a mountain all may give a unifying sensation.  Seeing a bear or eagle can bring about this sense of wonder.  There are countless ways we can touch our higher self.   Meditating in a group of people, sharing one’s vulnerabilities among friends, or just holding the hand of a lover.  Touching ones heart in a loving kind manner can bring this unity.

When human consciousness touches upon our common interconnectiveness then this form of inner peace defines a highest form of love.  This is a process of seeing what is already here and now.  Yet this is a deep exploration into all things is not separate yet interlinked. There is no absence, or lack or disconnect since everything is tied together in a mysterious manner.  Oneness is a universal quality of mind that all people experience in some shape or form.  Whether it is recognized or not humans, animals, plants, and all things on this earth share all the same chemicals, and life forces. 

Deep within the depths of the human heart there is an interdependent wisdom, an integral whole where there is no division.  What is heartfelt is how we see thorns become roses, a loving understanding that we share an infinite space of possibility.  This unified field of awareness produces greater compassion, a golden thread that unites us all. All converge with one, a light transcending and bringing together our divine commonness. Each spiritual tradition acknowledges this oneness even though they have their individual unique. Yes there is one denominator everybody and all living things share water.   We are different and separate; however, we are all made of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and other shared substances.

While they truly brilliant know that they do not know there is a one ultimate connection.  Somehow and somewhere it is both a journey and realization of the unknown.  Ironically only individual experience can begin to educate us our collective self.   Only within can you see this truth.   A regular or daily concentration upon our unity can reveal it. Being still in one place over time you will be able to access our universal link. Observing our heart we can find these invisible threads that connect us.

A common divine interconnectedness, to see we are not separate yet united together by air, energy, water and earth.   When one ’s self or physical beings feels not separate this may be termed as “enlightened” or “awakened.” Such perception of unity can result between nature and such specific things as plants, animals or a localized setting, even inanimate objects.  This experience of interrelationships can be happen between the self and various external things.  Such interconnectedness can result with a loss of perceivable boundaries even with a person’s identity, body, group of people, and surroundings.

This oneness can also show the illusory nature of self leading to a feeling of egolessness or interwoven to one’s environment.  Another similar concept is nondualism where there is no difference between the self and the external surroundings.

It is like learning to play an instrument. However this one is both here and now and requires just paying attention.  The key is our choice to focus in to see.  This honest examination is a training to look from our own anxiety and stress to beyond.  The only path is self examination to find this greater self.

From birth we are in a spiritual journey, to realize what unifies all us.  To allow our heart to find this connection, a communion, a belonging, a freedom, is united not divided.  Through direct experience we fully realize our common bonds.  Once we are able to see the interconnected threads, a silent open awareness of everything.  Such unification produces the virtues of peace, kindness, compassion and other gifts of being and inter-being being both held and beholding everything. 

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